Sunday, June 16, 2024

No Timetable For Michael Kopech’s Return To White Sox Camp


Players are starting to arrive at summer camps across the country as the 2020 MLB season hits its reset button following a three-month hiatus. The White Sox worked out Friday at Guaranteed Rate Field as some sense of normalcy returned, however hard-throwing, right-hander Michael Kopech wasn’t participating.

White Sox GM Rick Hahn addressed the media and said Kopech isn’t with the team right now and there is no timetable for his return. Kopech is said to be dealing with a personal matter, so this is not injury related.

Via the Chicago Sun-Times.

“It’s never ideal when any individual is dealing with off-field matters,” Hahn said. “It’s easy to lose sight of the fact you’re dealing with human beings who have lives, families and the same assortment of items to attend to that people have. This is obviously a very unique time we’re all living through.

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Kopech, 24, missed the entire 2019 season after having Tommy John surgery in Sept. 2018. The righty was on track to return this season prior to the postponement because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We’re looking to put all our players in the best position they can be to perform and maximize their abilities on the field and if there is anything standing in the way of that we’re going to provide them with whatever support and resources they need to address those matters.”
(Rick Hahn)

In Oct. 2019, Kopech shared the following on Instagram before quitting social media. He said he had been dealing with depression.

I know making a “farewell to social media” post is a bit counter-productive but, I’ve got one last thing to say while I have somewhat of a platform (and I can always deactivate tomorrow).
-I always felt like something was missing. I was always looking ahead but at the same time, my choices from past mistakes still haunted me. So followed anxieties, so followed depression. I needed answers. I needed help. So I searched. And I found. There is no moment like this one, or the next one, and there never will be again. The presence of creation in stillness is a beauty that will never die. In stillness lies our awareness of what’s to come. There is no peace like it. I’m not saying I have life figured out. I am merely another finger pointing to the moon, in awe of its divinity as is all. But in stillness I found awareness to understand myself on the deepest level, and with that awareness I create my own destiny for what my life will entail. Social media has run its course for me, this is not me running from any fears I have. Quite the contrary, this is about me laying down my weapons and embracing all of my fears. So, to my “followers” thank you for making this brief stint of popularity memorable. I’ll cherish each of you in life with the same compassion I hold for myself. I hope you’ll do the same. If you are also looking for peace in the world, seek inward and be that peace. It’s beautiful in there. “Into the wilderness I go, to lose my mind & find my soul”
Now… fire away.

Wish nothing but the best for Michael.

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