Thursday, June 13, 2024

Latest Update On Jim Boylen Won’t Be What Bulls Fans Want to Hear


While Arturas Karnisovas has made it clear his top priority is finding a new GM for the Chicago Bulls, plenty of fans are shouting from the rooftops for the new VP of Basketball Operations to get rid of Jim Boylen. Many view him as one of the primary reasons what was supposed to be a young and talented roster has underachieved so spectacularly the past two seasons.

Jay Williams of ESPN recently put forth a telling stat. Boylen’s teams are 2-23 against opponents .500 or better this season. That is bad. Really bad. This before even discussing the questionable decisions he’s made. Calling timeouts at bad times. Keeping Coby White on the bench. Managing minutes and lineups poorly. To say nothing of his questionable relationships with players. It’s hardly a secret both Zach Lavine and Lauri Markkanen aren’t his biggest fans.

Yet it seems that hasn’t been enough to erode his support in the organization. Joe Cowley of the Chicago Sun-Times stated that the head coach isn’t a sure thing to get fired as so many believe. John Paxson, who still holds a senior advisory role was a big backer of his. COO Michael Reinsdorf is also still a “big fan.”

Jim Boylen will have to sweet talk Karnisovas

Having one of the owners in your corner is an important thing. Boylen isn’t dumb. He knows that. However, the fact remains that his fate rests in the hands of Karnisovas. Gar Forman was already kicked out despite the Reinsdorfs trying to relegate him back to the scouting department. Karnisovas is going to do what’s best for the Bulls organization. He’s made it clear winning is his priority. Something Boylen has done very little in two seasons.

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All one can say at this point is no decision is made. Karnisovas made it clear his primary goal is finding a new GM and filling out the front office. They’ll he’ll start to assess the state of the coaching staff and the roster. Fans may not like waiting but that’s all they can do. If the basketball gods see fit to bestow justice, then the right decision will be made in the coming weeks.

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