Sunday, June 16, 2024

Dwyane Wade Opens Up About Pat Riley, Banana Boating & His Future In Chicago


Banana Boat Past & Future

Perhaps as some comic relief for a very honest and introspective interview, Woj asks Wade to give his explanation for the “Banana Boat” phenomenon.

Gabrielle Union, Dwyane Wade, Chris Paul and LeBron James ride an inflatable banana in the Bahamas.

“I did not want to get on the banana boat. I told ’em. I was like, “Yo, I do not want to get on that banana boat!’ We were in the middle of nowhere, I don’t even know how the photo was taken. There was nobody out there. Just us, in the middle of the water. Crazy…I just feared the possibility of being on that banana boat. I’m like, ‘That doesn’t look stable. We’re gonna fall. And we’re gonna be in the middle of the ocean.’ I didn’t want to get on it. But it was fun. Now it became the thing. It’s the name of the crew, the Banana Boat Crew. It’s funny.” – Dwyane Wade

Does Wade see himself playing with any of his Banana Boat buddies before he retires?

“Well, I think one thing is that LeBron came out and said it. If LeBron says something it becomes something that everyone will keep an eye on. It’s something you would like, it’s your best friends. Who wouldn’t want to play with their best friends? Now, what it takes to make that happen is a total different story. But, I don’t think none of us have shut the door on it. Would it be too late by then? Will the game have passed us by? Who knows. It is something to think about…but not something we focus on either. It’s not something we try to make happen at this point.” – Dwyane Wade

Possible? Yes. But apparently not at the forefront of anybody’s mind right now. Neither is retirement for Wade, who’s said he has an age in mind for his retirement from the game. He still won’t reveal what that age is, but he talked to Woj about the kind of legacy he wants to leave behind when he hangs up his sneakers for good.


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