Sunday, June 16, 2024

Charles Leno and Bobby Massie Uncorked F-Bombs Describing Jordan Howard


Charles Leno and Bobby Massie get plenty of heat for their erratic pass protection at times. One thing that has become clear though is they excel at run blocking. So it’s not a surprise they’ve developed a liking for running back Jordan Howard, who has a tendency to make their lives so much easier while also making them look good too.

Anybody with eyes saw just how incredible the Pro Bowl back was on Sunday against the Steelers. It was clear his right shoulder, which had a sprained AC joint, was hurting him. Two different times during the game the action was stopped with him laying on the field in pain. Both times fans didn’t expect him to come back out. They wouldn’t have blamed him.

Yet he kept coming back and continued to gash the Steelers for big gains. Eventually he delivered the killing blow in overtime, a 19-yard touchdown run. The passion and fire he showed after the score was evident on camera. It was also reflected by two of his blockers, and biggest fans.

Charles Leno and Bobby Massie didn’t hold back in praise of Howard

After the game both tackles were asked about Howard and his performance. Both sent the professional interview language right out the window, baring their emotions for all to see (or hear in this case).

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“He’s a fucking soldier, man,” Massie said. “He was a Pro Bowler for a reason.”

“Fucking loved it,” Leno said. “I loved it. It showed that he cared and wanted to be out there for us, and it made me go harder. I just told him that — it made me want to block for him extra hard. And when he does that and he shows that courageousness, man, comes out there and keeps battling back after we know he’s hurting, I’m going to give it everything I got for that guy.”

One thing the Bears have been missing the past couple years is a player on the field who can inspire his teammates to play harder. To want to push through the pain and exhaustion and win the game. There is no longer any doubt that Jordan Howard has become that man. It’s rather fitting that it’s a running back. That position tends to produce such types of players in Chicago:  Matt Forte, Thomas Jones, and Walter Payton are prime examples.

In football heroes are the men who power through the pain to deliver great performances. The men who sacrifice personal woes for the betterment of the team. Howard is the embodiment of that. The Bears are lucky to have him and they know it.

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