Sunday, June 16, 2024

White Sox Email Announcing Manager Hiring Appears To Have A.J. Hinch’s Signature


So, this seems like a mistake.

No, not the Tony La Russa hiring, that’s definitely a mistake (I kid, I kid) but the White Sox apparently sent out an email on Thursday announcing the hiring of their new manager and there’s something off about the graphic. It appears as though there wasn’t enough editing done with La Russa’s graphic in the email that was sent, as it looks like A.J. Hinch’s signature was placed instead of La Russa’s.

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It does appear as though the mistake was eventually caught and corrected.

So yeah, it seemed like someone with the White Sox was prepared for the team to hire Hinch, but according to Bob Nightengale, the former Astros manager was never even interviewed.

Oh and if there was ever a doubt about who was making this decision, it was pretty clearly Jerry’s call and Rick Hahn had to go along with it.

Anyway, thanks for the content today, White Sox.

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