Thursday, October 24, 2024


Tim Anderson Wants Positivity…White Sox Fans Get Mad


There aren’t many things White Sox players can say right now that won’t be heavily scrutinized, but telling fans to be more positive after the train wreck that was the 2022 season and all the built up negativity around the franchise probably isn’t the best strategy either.

White Sox shortstop Tim Anderson sat down with NBC Sports Chicago’s Chuck Garfien on the White Sox Talk Podcast and the clip posted to Twitter went viral among the fan base as Anderson had some choice words on how everyone, and he means everyone, should act toward the team.

Yeah, guys, just be more positive, what’s the big deal!

Now, to be fair to Anderson, if you do go and listen to the entire conversation with Garfien on the White Sox Talk podcast, then you’ll realize that maybe a two-minute clip posted on Twitter is missing some context. However, they, the people over at NBC Sports Chicago, knew exactly what they were doing by posting that specific part of Anderson telling not only fans, but the media, and Chuck Garfien specifically, to stop being negative.

And hey, this isn’t anything over the top either because it’s not like Anderson is going to extreme lengths to question the loyalty of White Sox fans or anything close to that, but it is never a good thing for a player to even infer that fans and the media shouldn’t be critical of a team. The wife analogy was also weird. Don’t have to do that either, TA.

That criticism by Anderson to Garfien is absolutely hilarious because if you watch the White Sox on a somewhat regular basis, then you know that Chuck is one most positive people on any network talking about the team they cover. I mean, c’mon, Garfien is often lampooned for being a water carrier for the White Sox on social media, so Anderson saying he needs to bring more positive energy so that fans follow his lead is laugh out loud funny.

Ultimately, though, Anderson is right, the talk will have be done on the field by the White Sox in 2023. It already seems like the team is taking a “we vs. everybody” mentality, which is completely fine and hopefully for fans on the south side that will be some good motivation for the upcoming season that leads to more winning.

Hey, I guess this is better than having to talk about the allegations against Mike Clevinger and him threatening to sue 670 The Score. In case you missed it, last week Clevinger’s accuser Olivia Finestead went on The Parkins & Spiegel Show to detail the alleged abuse she and her baby suffered after Clevinger called it all nonsense when he spoke to the media last Wednesday.

Well, on Friday night, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Clevinger was in contact with his lawyer and said he would consider suing 670 The Score along with Danny Parkins and Matt Spiegel.

‘‘My lawyers are paying attention,’’
‘‘My lawyers are getting in contact with them, and they probably already sent a cease-and-desist for defamation. So [The Score] just got themselves involved in this, too, so good for them.’’
-Mike Clevinger

On Tuesday, The Parkins & Spiegel Show addressed the story and said no such cease-and-desist was sent to them or the radio station.

As far as MLB’s investigation of Clevinger, we won’t ever know how far along the process is and at this point Clevinger is all but penciled into the starting rotation and if the team doesn’t make any changes during the first week of the season, then Clevinger is lined up to start in the home opener.

But that was last week’s news and with spring training games on the horizon there is actual baseball to talk about and that includes the latest addition of middle infielder Elvis Andrus. We’ll talk about Andrus coming in to take over second base, our thoughts on Tim Anderson and more on this week’s Pinwheels And Ivy Podcast.

Tune in live, Wednesday night at 8 p.m. CST.

And a reminder, once the Pinwheels And Ivy Podcast gets to 1,000 subscribers on YouTube, we will give away two tickets to a White Sox game located behind their dugout!



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