Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Cubs Have Interest In Tampa Bay Rays Pitcher Alex Cobb


The Cubs are still pushing for more starting pitching, even after adding young, promising arms like Eddie Butler and Alec Mills to the roster. But with reality setting in on Jake Arrieta potentially leaving Chicago after this season, the Cubs are keeping all options open to try and replace the 2015 Cy-Young winner.

Rumors swirled this offseason with the Cubs having interest in a wide variety of young, talented arms, like the Oakland’s Sonny Gray or Tampa Bay’s Chris Archer. The Cubs want to find younger arms to add to their team to build a potential core around Kyle Hendricks, Jon Lester, and another talented arm to solidify their rotation for the next half decade.

However, with both the Rays and Athletics being small-market teams, it makes the move of one their talented arms extremely unlikely. But, there are new rumors involving another pitcher who has had prior connections to the Cubs and could possibly help soften the loss of Arrieta. 

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