Sunday, June 16, 2024

The Bulls Team That Could Have Been


Everyone remembers when Lebron made “The Decision”. It altered the makeup of the NBA and started the “Big 3” era in the NBA. Lebron James, Dwayne Wade, and Chris Bosh all came together in Miami and created a super team ahead of the 2010-11 season. The rest is history. We don’t need to rehash any of the Bull’s disappointing losses to those Miami Heat teams.

What we do need to talk about is the news that has recently come to light. Some news that would have stopped the big 3 before it even started and could have altered history for the Bulls franchise.

Starting at Power Forward – Chris Bosh

Chris Bosh was supposedly going to be playing for the Bulls starting in the 2010-11 season. According to Nick Friedell those words came out of Chris Bosh’s mouth and the Bulls were expecting to have him on the team in the coming season. Chris Bosh at the time was a dynamic player and would have filled a role that needed an upgrade. As free agency opened up ahead of the 2010-11 season there were a lot of rumors going around. It was predicted that the Bulls were going to be the team to land the big 3. Obviously that didn’t happen but according to Chris Bosh once the Bulls knew they weren’t getting the big 3 they made an individual push for him.

Chris Bosh would have filled the power forward spot and the Bulls were in need of an upgrade. In the end, the Bulls acquired Carlos Boozer from the Jazz. Boozer had himself an alright career with the Bulls but Chris Bosh would have set this team apart. There’s no telling if the Bulls would have won a championship with Bosh in place of Boozer but it sure feels like they would have since it would have just been the combo of Lebron/Wade instead of a big 3 in Miami.

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Since we won’t’ see Bulls basketball until December, it’s nice to fantasize about what could have been. This Bulls franchise could have been turned around with a big 3 of Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah, and Chris Bosh. Not to mention the players surrounding them. We all know how things turned out with the Bulls during the last 10 years and we are hoping for greener pastures ahead. Let’s hope Arturas Karnisovas leads the Bulls to the promised land.

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