Sunday, June 16, 2024

Jim Boylen’s Latest Quote Proves He’s Lost Touch With Reality


If there is one thing Chicago fans can agree upon right now, it’s this:

Jim Boylen has to go.

The Chicago Bulls have regressed in almost every single category this season and a lot of that falls on the head coach. In his second year, Boylen has become somewhat of a laughing stock in the league as the Bulls currently hold the 12th best record (6-14) in the Eastern Conference. With all that has gone wrong, you’d think the thought of possibly switching things up would have crossed Boylen’s mind by now.

Think again.

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It seems that in Jim’s mind, he can do no wrong and that right there is reason number 956 as to why Boylen needs to go. Will the front office pull the trigger? I doubt it but one can still wish.

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