Friday, June 14, 2024

These Were Actual Trends The Last Time Bears Drafted Top 5 Quarterback


E.T. the Extra Terrestrial was the blockbuster hit

Steve Spielberg was untouchable in the early 1980s and one could safely say that 1982 was his peak. He was just coming off the release of Raiders of the Lost Ark. People were wondering how he could possibly top himself. Well somehow he did it, crafting arguably the greatest tale of alien encounter in cinematic history with E.T. the Extra Terrestrial. There isn’t a movie fan alive today who hasn’t seen it and the praise is almost universal. Remember that they spent $10.5 million to make that movie. It grossed $792.9 million.

What many don’t know is that shortly after he produced and wrote another iconic picture. A treasured little horror flick called Poltergeist. Keep in mind Spielberg is 70-years old now. He was 35 when he did all that.

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