Saturday, June 15, 2024

Bears Rookie Night At Halas Hall Turned Savage Real Quick


The NFL has come a long way in 50 years. Rookies used to be hazed mercilessly by veterans in years past. Often it would get to the point of outright bullying, something that isn’t looked upon well these days. The Bears, to their credit, have been one of the teams leading the charge trying to change that. Though rookies are still expected to go through an initiation of sorts, it’s nowhere near as bad as it used to be. Well at least not for rookies themselves as Bears rookie night at Halas Hall demonstrated.

It seemed PowerPoint presentations were the theme this year and young kids were ready to put on a show. Or perhaps in this case a roast. During one section of the festivities the rookies places photos of several notable vets on the screen and then placed another pic alongside it. One that seemed to reflect how they were perceived by the internet.

Suffice to say it got pretty savage real quick as Danny Trevathan revealed.

Bears rookie night didn’t hold back on the burns

Nobody was safe from the barbs. Kyle Long and Willie Young, two of the teams biggest leaders and enforcers took hits.

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Trevathan’s fellow inside linebacker Jerrell Freeman didn’t even get a fellow human comparison.

Even the new kid on the block, kicker Roberto Aguayo couldn’t escape the jabs. Barely a part of the team for 48 hours, the rookies absolutely let him have it.

However, those men got off easy as it turns out. The two who might need a trip to the local ICU were quarterback Mike Glennon and wide receiver Kevin White. Glennon got an eyeful of some of the creative memes that have circled the internet since he arrived in Chicago. White? Well let’s just say they dusted off a classic for him.

Ouch. Well it’s nice to see the Bears rookie class doesn’t have any fear. Normally it takes a considerable amount of guts to rag on veterans. They managed to do so and got everybody laughing in the process. If nothing else this was a great way to keep things loose. Nobody should take themselves too seriously. Though one can imagine the rooks might catch an extra thump or two in practice over the next week.

Worth it.

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