Friday, September 20, 2024


Young Fan Getting Cubs Tickets From His Dad Goes Viral, Cubs Players Make It Even Better


It seems that when a video goes viral it’s usually something bad, or embarrassing for the people involved. You know, like when you’re at Wrigley Field and flash everyone around you. However, this is one those viral videos that will bring a smile to your face and actually have hope for humanity.

A young Cubs fan from Indiana was surprised with tickets from his dad, who rewarded his son for working hard on the farm and in school. The reaction is amazing. Pure joy.

Kolt has never been to Wrigley Field, now he’s going to a Cubs-Cardinals game with his dad.

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This got even better. Instantly viral. The video popped up everywhere from CNN, CBS, SI, to local TV stations and even ESPN.

Hannah, Kolt’s sister, posted the video on Twitter, which led to some interaction with the Cubs Twitter account.

All right, so that’s cool. Everyone in the family is getting some shine. Yet, it got even better. A few Cubs players watched the video and now Kolt is not only going to his first game at Wrigley Field, he’s going to meet some World Series champions and be on the field too.

Even David Ross wants to meet Kolt.

What a week for Kolt. Shoutout to his dad. Awesome story. Easy lesson here, hard work does pay off.

But wait, there’s more!

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