Monday, April 29, 2024

This Might Explain Why The Cubs Had Porn On A Tweet From 2012


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So, I was on Twitter yesterday and someone mentioned a crazy Cubs tweet. There was nothing out of the ordinary from the last couple days, but when you searched for it, here’s what you eventually found.

In the since deleted tweet, the picture wasn’t censored.

It was from 2012 and everyone was wondering how in the hell was that tweeted and why it took so long for it to be deleted. Well, the answer to both might be because the Cubs had no clue it happened.

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Here’s what Deadspin wrote yesterday.

One explanation, which is more likely than a social media manager’s horny mistake being able to survive for six years, is that the URL’s image ID, which was previously attached to a nice photo of Billy Williams and his grandsons, was reused some time in the last six years, and was re-assigned to this blurry naked woman:

And yes, while we all had a good laugh at the expense of the Cubs, they aren’t the first and probably not the last team that will have this happen to them.

There are examples from the Dallas Cowboys, Charlotte Hornets, Philadelphia Eagles, New York Jets Los Angeles Chargers, New York Knicks and even some soccer teams in Europe.

Here’s the explanation.

So, you never know when you’ll randomly stumble into some porn on the timeline.

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