Sunday, June 16, 2024

Luis Robert Pimping The Shit Out Of His Game-Winning HR Is Exactly What White Sox Fans Need Right Now


The last two weeks of February was hell for White Sox fans. Not only were they left heart broken after the Padres swooped in and signed Manny Machado, but the front office didn’t even try to go after Bryce Harper right after. Then, to make things even worse, Rick Hahn and Kenny Williams keep making excuses and want a pat on the back for at least trying this offseason. Plus, a few more top prospects are dealing with more injuries.

White Sox fans need something, anything to find a glimpse of hope. They still have one of the top farm systems in baseball and at the end, who knows, Luis Robert might be the best one of the young core.

On Friday, Robert hit a game-winning three-run bomb for the White Sox and pimped the shit out of it too.

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Love the swag. Love the talent. White Sox fans, there’s still something to be hopeful for.

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