Saturday, June 15, 2024

Keynan Middleton’s Mom Said The White Sox Kicked His Kids Out Of Daycare


The White Sox have been the laughingstock of baseball recently, as many reports have shed light on what really happens in the clubhouse. Whether it was Jake Burger saying he’s never had more fun playing baseball now that he is on the Marlins or the report on ESPN that certain players miss meetings and don’t put in effort, it hasn’t looked good in the slightest.

Perhaps the most embarrassing situation is the seemingly never-ending Keynan Middleton saga. After he was traded, he exposed how players sleep in the bullpen and there is absolutely no accountability in the clubhouse, Rick Hahn made a fool of himself and decided to slander Middleton instead of addressing the real possibility that those issues exist, as even Lance Lynn confirmed those to be true.

But, on Wednesday night, it may have hit an all-time low with a few instances of pettiness against Middleton, as they didn’t put his name on the scoreboard when he was pitching and according to his mom on Twitter, they kicked his kids out of daycare.

An All-Time Low

On Tuesday, when Middelton’s kids wanted to go back to the daycare to play with their friends, according to his mom, they were kicked out of the daycare.

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She ended up explaining in a later tweet:

If this is true, this is probably the lowest the White Sox could possibly go to. Now, there is no way to confirm that there were orders given by the front office to make sure that his kids were not allowed to play in the daycare, but it doesn’t look good after Hahn’s comments about Middleton.

It was likely the fact that he is no longer on the team and it is a daycare for White Sox players and the security guards are just doing their jobs, but come on, if the kids were there all season long, why on earth would you not let them back in to see their friends? He was only traded a week ago so there is no way you forgot what the kids look like…

Regardless of the situation, it is not a good look with everything that has come out in the last few days.

Insult To Injury

To make matters worse with Middleton, they didn’t even have his name on the scoreboard when he was pitching last night. Now, the Sox claim that this was an issue as there are two 93s on the roster, but again very convenient that it was Middleton.

Now, both of these situations could be and probably are honest mistakes, but it is just very odd that it happens to the player that spoke out against them on his return to Guaranteed Rate.

Middleton even said he would consider coming back to the White Sox in free agency, but it seems that will no longer be happening after this series of events.

Regardless of this situation, the Sox need to clear house and have a massive culture change, starting with the front office. Hopefully, that gets taken care of in the offseason.


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