Monday, June 17, 2024

Here’s The Dumbest Take About Lucas Giolito’s No-Hitter


Lucas Giolito pitched the first no-hitter of the 2020 MLB season, striking out 13 batters to record the 19th no-no in White Sox history.

Giolito dominated the Pirates, needing only 101 pitches to get the 27 outs. As a matter of fact, the 101 pitches were the fewest pitches needed to strikeout 13 hitters in a no-no.

An amazing performance, but somehow Rotoworld baseball writer Matthew Pouliot found a way to try and diminish Giolito’s incredible accomplishment.

If you really don’t want to take anything away from a guy who just pitched a no-hitter, then stop and simply say congrats.

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Also, what exactly is the point of that tweet? The Pirates suck, so the no-hitter means less? Are we really going to sit here and pretend that no other no-hitters in MLB history came against terrible hitting teams. Is Pouliot saying that every no-hitter against a bad team doesn’t really matter?

And if it’s so easy to throw a no-hitter against the Pirates this year, then why has no other pitcher done it before Giolito?

An absurd take. A dumb one. The dumbest. These dudes are still MLB players. They’re at the highest level in their profession, so to even hint that it means less because the opponent is bad is pathetic.

Plus, a no-hitter at any level is impressive. What are we doing here?

Pouliot has been getting dunked on and deservedly so on Twitter since last night.

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