Friday, June 14, 2024

Farm Report: White Sox Top Prospect Lenyn Sosa Tearing Up AAA


The AAA season has started. That means some of the White Sox’s top prospects get to showcase their talents in Charlotte. So far, one name has stood out among the first couple of games, Lenyn Sosa. One of the White Sox’s top prospects, he is off to a scorching start in AAA. This is encouraging as after coming up to the pros last year, it was clear he needed a bit more time in the minors. So far he is hitting .467 with two home runs and four RBIs in only four games. A great start to say the least. 

Sosa Is Showing Off The Power 

In Tuesday’s game, Sosa ripped two home runs. This is an encouraging sign as if he can display this type of power in the major leagues, he could become one of the elite second basemen. 

Last year, through a couple of minor league levels, he was able to smash 22 bombs, adding one in the small stint he had in the majors. If he can bring this to the pros, he could be a permanent solution to our ever-evading second basemen. As someone who came on strong last year, to see him follow up his solid minor league campaign with a strong start is a positive. 

If he can keep up this strong start, we could see him in Chicago sooner than later if there is an injury or if Elvis Andrus struggles. I think an injury is more likely, but there is always a chance as Andrus has started off slow. Andrus provides more than just a bat, so it will likely take an injury to see Sosa soon.

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He Can Flash The Leather Too

So far Sosa has looked great with the glove at short. While prospects lists aren’t sold on him being an elite fielder, he may be able to change their minds if he keeps this up. So far he has shown the range and the glove work to be at least average at shortstop in the MLB. While second base is the likely starting point for him, the glove could look even better there. 

He is more of a project than some of the other prospects that the Sox have, but we cannot ignore his minor-league production. While it did not translate in the small sample size in the pros last year, he was only 22 then and only 23 now. He is still young and he will keep getting better. It is still early so a lot can happen, but for Sosa, this is exactly the start he could have hoped for. Look for him to keep it up and have a great season and push for a starting spot at second next year. 

Honorable Mentions At AAA

While AAA has been the only affiliate to play, some other players on the roster have stood out so far. Notably, Adam Haseley. So far he is hitting .333 with two home runs, 3 RBIs, and 2 stolen bases. This is a great start for the presumed call-up in the event of any outfield injury. Although he did not get called up when Eloy went down, I think it says more that Eloy was rarely going to play the field, rather than Haseley getting at-bats at the MLB level.

Catching prospect Carlos Perez has looked good at the plate as well, hitting two home runs in the early going. At this point, an injury to Yasmani Grandal or Seby Zavala looks like his only route to playing time at the major league level since both have played well to start the year. 

He is even making some nice plays in the field too. If Grandal leaves in free agency, Perez may compete with Zavala for a starting spot in the future.

Journeyman Victor Reyes has also started out great as well, hitting over .400 and adding a home run. He, like Haseley, has no direct route to playing time in the MLB unless an injury occurs. He would likely be behind Haseley in terms of call-ups if Haseley keeps it up. 

Unfortunately, Billy Hamilton and Jake Marisnick, once competing for the fourth outfielder job, have both started slow. I figure Hamilton to come up in September regardless of how he plays as if the Sox make the playoffs he will be their pinch runner and defensive replacement. I don’t see Marisnick getting much time at the MLB level unless things have gone horribly wrong in terms of injury. 

Regardless, all of them have only played 4-5 games so far. Both hot starts and cold starts could change very quickly, but it is always good to check how players start, as it could set the tone for their season. Once the other minor league levels start playing we will be able to dive deeper into the White Sox prospect pool, as AAA carries mainly fringe-level major league guys in case of injury. 


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Apr 6, 2023 11:26 am

Carlik Jones was awarded the G-League’s M.V.P. award last week for the Windy City Bulls, and his road was not easy.

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