Friday, June 14, 2024

Ideal Trade Proposal Surfaces for Bears Jimmy Garoppolo Plan


Navigating the trade market can be such a tightrope walk for NFL teams. Do it just right and you can emerge on the other side much stronger than before. One misstep though and it can be a long drop to the bottom. The Chicago Bears know this reality well, especially when it comes to deal for quarterbacks. They’ve done it a few times without the results they’d hoped for.

Rick Mirer was a disaster back in the 1990s. Jay Cutler looked like a hit early one but steadily declined over the past five years. Now he’s 33 and expected to be gone within the next month or so. Thus the Bears are faced with the same crossroads again. Do they venture down the trade avenue another time or take their chances in the draft?

Rumors persist that the team would prefer to find a younger veteran option with some experience. Somebody who can start right away and hopefully win them some ball games. Remember, John Fox is 9-23 in his first two seasons. He needs to start winning soon. This is why most still expect the Bears to make a determined push for Jimmy Garoppolo.

Chicago SportsNEWS
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