Sunday, June 16, 2024

Best Friend Tells Great Story of Impact Trubisky’s Leadership Can Have


Throwing the football for yards and touchdowns is the basis of what the quarterback does. However, the job of that position goes so much deeper. QBs are expected to be the conductors of the orchestra. The boss of the company. The general of the army. Due to their prestigious position, other players look to it for guidance. Those that fail in this responsibility tend not to have much success. That’s why the Mitch Trubisky leadership question will be a huge topic for the next 12 games and beyond.

The discussion and speculation around the #2 overall pick is almost over. Trubisky is finally set to debut against the Minnesota Vikings on Monday Night Football. Everybody knows the details by now. He’s athletic, tough, and probably the most accurate passer to come out of college in the past five years. All of those are great traits to have.

The pressing question is will the rest of this Bears team follow him? One of the lasting criticisms of Jay Cutler was that he largely failed at inspiring teammates to play better. It’s hard to imagine a rookie with just 13 college starts being that far along. Yet somebody who knows him well has a story to ease those concerns.

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