Sunday, June 16, 2024

Best Friend Tells Great Story of Impact Trubisky’s Leadership Can Have


Best friend details how impacting the Mitch Trubisky leadership is

Conner Krizancic knows Mitch well. He should. The two were practically joined at the hip since they were kids. They grew up together at Mentor High School where Krizancic had a front row seat for Trubisky’s rise to stardom at quarterback. Amazingly the greatest display he saw of his friends’ leadership came after he left for North Carolina and it was Krizancic with the daunting task of replacing him.

“Krizancic got his shot after Trubisky graduated and headed to the University of North Carolina.

When the 2013 season began, Krizancic had a sore throwing arm, and started slow. That wasn’t the only problem.

“Mitchell really helped me early on that season,” said Krizancic. “He said, ‘Take charge. Be the leader.’ He really inspired me.”

Trubisky might have been hundreds of miles away in Chapel Hill, N.C., but his influence on the football program was still a factor.

Krizancic exploded from that point on. He racked up a 2,789 yards passing, 1,511 yards rushing and was personally responsible for 51 touchdowns. Mentor made it all the way to the Ohio Division I state championship game. It was the high point of his football career and made him a school legend. Few people ever knew it was his best friend’s ability to motivate and inspire that sparked it all.

Trubisky is ready. Or he’s ready as he can be. The Bears don’t need him to be spectacular. Protect the ball, make a few plays and lead the troops. He can do that.

Chicago SportsNEWS
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