Sunday, June 16, 2024

Justin Wilson Is Gone, But What If The Cubs Re-Signed Their Other Free Agent Lefty


Justin Wilson had a rollercoaster of a time with the Cubs during his year and a half stint on the North Side. Fans might just remember the frustrating walks and the disaster that was the second half of 2017, but in reality Wilson was pretty good for the Cubs in 2018. Nevertheless, the lefty was a free agent this offseason and he’s officially signed elsewhere.

On Friday, Ken Rosenthal broke the story, as the Mets agreed to a two-year contract with Wilson.

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It’s not a lot of money and definitely in the price range for the Cubs, but they’re probably looking at even cheaper options.

In the past two days the Cubs have signed right-handed relievers Brad Brach and George Kontos. Brach’s deal has an option and buy out for 2020, while Kontos inked a minor league contract.

Back to Wilson. Again, despite a rough couple games and of course Game 163 against the Brewers, he was pretty good for the Cubs last year. He finished the season with a 3.46 ERA in 54.2 innings. Before his last two outings, it was at 2.83. Wilson struck out 69 and at before the all-star break he had a 2.77 ERA.

Anyway, good luck to him in New York, but I’m now more interested to see if the Cubs re-sign their other free agent lefty from the bullpen.

Oh yeah, I’m talking about Jorge de la Rosa!

Yes, I think it’s an OK idea for the Cubs to bring him back after randomly picking him up in the middle of August last year. It surely won’t cost much. It’s not like they’ll have to give him a multi-year offer and maybe just a minor league deal, with an invite to spring training might get it done.

There’s no question the Cubs need another left hander in the bullpen. The depth isn’t all that great in the minors either.

And yes, the Cubs should probably go out and sign a more reliable lefty, but maybe just have de la Rosa around and see if he can still contribute out of spring training?

After joining the Cubs in 2018, de la Rosa pitched in 17 games and recorded a 1.29 ERA in 21 innings. He struck out 20, walked only eight and overall in 2018 held left-handed hitters to a .686 OPS.

If the Cubs are going the cheap route, de la Rosa could be adequate. Regardless, they need another lefty in the pen.

Anyway, farewell Justin Wilson. Thanks for this laugh out loud moment in what was an otherwise frustrating 2018 season for Cubs fans to watch.

Still funny.

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