Sunday, June 16, 2024

Here’s How Cubs Players Will Show Off Their World Series Rings


Before tonight’s game against the Los Angeles Dodgers, members of the Chicago Cubs will get their 2016 World Series championship rings. These will be the first World Series rings that most of the players will receive but a few players (Lackey, Lester, Zobrist) will be able to add the 2016 ring to their collection.

Nobody has officially seen the rings yet but a few players were asked to give their input into the design of the ring. The only real detail that has been released regarding the ring is the fact that it’ll have 108 diamonds to represent the years since the team last won a World Series championship.

If you do that math in your head, 108 diamonds has to equate to one expensive ass piece of jewelry. Just how expensive you ask?


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That’s right folks. The 2016 Chicago Cubs have the option to walk around during a regular afternoon with a piece of jewelry that is worth more than most of our yearly salaries.

If I own a $70,000 piece of jewelry, there’s not a shot in hell that I’m ever wearing it out in public. I’m assuming the ring is going to absolutely huge to compensate for the 108 diamonds and it has to be shiny as hell which is the equivalent to a neon sign pointing at you saying, “ROB ME.”

That’s just me.

Jesse Rogers of ESPN asked some of the players if they would wear the rings out in public and some of their answers were pretty funny.

Albert Almora Jr. is going to use it to get in good with his wife.

“Maybe date night with the wife, make her feel special, bring it out then.”

Kyle Schwarber and C.J. Edwards plan to keep it locked away somewhere safe. The only difference between the two is Schwarber is willing to wear it every now and then for special events while Edwards says he’ll never wear it.

“It goes to my house locked up in a safe that can’t be broken.”

Kris Bryant, the modest one, has to see what it looks like first.

“It depends on how shiny it is.”

World Series MVP Ben Zobrist already has a ring so he should probably explain to KB how rings work.

“I think that’s kind of the point of wearing a World Series ring. It’s going to be obvious it’s something special.”

Hector Rondon plans to use the ring to probably help him get a free meal.

“Maybe out to a restaurant, but it depends on the restaurant.”

Javier Baez, hands down the flashiest guy on the team, had the exact answer you’d expect when he was asked if he would wear his ring.

“I am going to wear it every day to the field for the sure,” Baez said. “I like white gold, and I think it is white, so hopefully it matches everything.”

My favorite answer from the team comes from Jake Arrieta who had no shame is sharing the exact purpose of him wearing a $70,000 piece of jewelry.

“When I have a suit on and want to rub it in some people’s face.”

I’m really hoping that Jake is wearing a suit around any White Sox or Cardinal fans in the very near future.


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