Monday, June 17, 2024

White Sox Provide Update On Nick Madrigal’s Shoulder Injury


On Monday afternoon, White Sox general manager Rick Hahn provided an update regarding rookie second baseman Nick Madrigal. Madrigal has been on the injured list recovering from a dislocated left shoulder suffered back on August 4th against the Milwaukee Brewers. Hahn informed the media that the rookie second baseman is on pace to return by the end of the month as he has already begun baseball activities.

Madrigal suffered the injury after sliding into third base on a single by Luis Robert. When the injury happened, many believed that the White Sox’s prospect broke his wrist as the team’s trainer was checking the wrist following the slide at third. The next day, the team announced that Madrigal had separated his shoulder. It was expected that he would be out until September. Due to no ligament or structural damage to the shoulder, the recovery time has been quicker.

Danny Mendick took Madrigal spot in the lineup and has been a pleasant surprise filling in providing both reliable defense and offense. Mendick is currently batting .277 and has an on-base percentage of .330. More impressively, he has yet to commit an error playing second base through 110 innings. Once Madrigal returns, Mendick could be used as a defensive replacement off the bench as he has played shortstop and third base this season.

If Madrigal can hit once returning to the lineup, it would benefit leadoff hitter Tim Anderson as Anderson’s four home runs this season have been his only RBIs. If the team’s ninth hitter, who is projected to be the best contact hitter for the team in the next few years, can get on base for last season’s batting champion in Anderson, the offense will become that more dangerous. The second baseman and shortstop have only been in the lineup together just once this season. Both have spent time on the injured list, as the team’s offense struggled without them.

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