Monday, June 17, 2024

Jose Quintana’s Trade Value Through The Roof After Major Red Sox Injury


Going into the 2017 MLB season the Red Sox are considered one of the favorites to win the American League pennant. While the team still looks strong, Boston’s World Series hopes took a major hit following the recent David Price injury.

Price underwent an MRI for what he described as “elbow soreness”. While Red Sox manager described the results as “inconclusive”, Price is going to see Dr. James Andrews, usually a precursor to undergoing Tommy John surgery.

Losing Price for any amount of time would be a big blow for Boston. The team was expected to have one of the best pitching rotations in baseball with Price, Rick Porcello and Chris Sale leading the charge. While Porcello and Sale represent arguably the best 1-2 punch in baseball, Price puts the Red Sox over as a potential World Series caliber team.

One American League Executive went as far to say that losing Price is almost like losing two pitchers based on how high his work load is.

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The former CY Young contender has been in the MLB for the past nine seasons with stops in Tampa Bay and Detroit prior to Boston. He has appeared in 253 games and 1,671.2 innings. Price holds a career 121-65 record with a 3.21 ERA and a 1,600/421 K/BB ratio.

There’s still a chance that Price’s injury turns out to be nothing. However with a trip to Dr. Andrews on the horizon, things aren’t looking great for the former Vanderbilt grad.

With the Red Sox potentially in need of another front-line starting pitcher, some have begun to wonder if White Sox ace Jose Quintana could fill the void.

Two Aces, Different Sox

The White and Red Sox took over the Winter Meetings when former traded ace Chris Sale to the latter. If Price is down for the count, Boston seems like a logical landing spot for Jose Quintana.

Quintana has been in the MLB for the past five seasons, appearing in 154 games and 951 innings. He holds a career 46-46 record with a 3.41 ERA and a 781/244 K/BB ratio.

The White Sox ace has been one of the most consistent pitchers in the MLB, appearing in atleast 200 innings while holding a sub 3.52 ERA the past four seasons. Quintana was rewarded in 2016 as he was voted to his first All Star game.

Quintana also comes on an extremely team-friendly contract. He is making just $7 million in 2017 and is under team control until 2020. The Red Sox would be able to easily fit Quintana on their payroll.

Quintana may not have the name recognition that David Price has, but he has been just as talented. Adding the current White Sox would allow the Red Sox to have the three-headed monster atop their rotation they covet.

Boston didn’t acquire Sale to be a one and done in the playoffs. Dave Dombrowski can prove the Red Sox are serious about winning a World Series by making another huge move and adding Quintana.

If Price is truly out for the year the Red Sox may need one more ace to beat the Indians and others in the American League. Jose Quintana is unarguably the best and most readily available “ace type pitcher on the market. Adding him would put the Red Sox right back into World Series contention.

What Would It Cost?

While it’s easy to say that Quintana to the Red Sox is an easy fit, it’s harder to say what Boston may be willing to move in a deal.

Buster Olney asked if the Red Sox would be willing to spend top prospect Rafael Devers to land Quintana.

Devers is currently the Red Sox second best prospect and the 17th best prospect in baseball according to MLB Pipeline. The third baseman has appeared in 313 minor league games, hitting .293 with 29 home runs, 198 RBIs and 26 stolen bases.

It was widely reported that Rick Hahn was infatuated with Devers during the Sale talks, however Dombrowski refused to include him. While Devers would be an amazing fit on the South Side, it’s unlikely that the Red Sox would move him.

Devers is the future at third base with the Red Sox. With Pablo Sandoval currently manning the position, that future could come much sooner than later. While Quintana would fill their pitching woes, it seems unlikely that Boston would be willing to mortgage such a big part of their future, especially when they were reluctant to move him in the Sale deal.

The only issue for the Red Sox is that if they don’t move Devers, there’s a very good chance they cannot land Quintana. The team only has two other top 100 prospects and Andrew Benintendi isn’t going anywhere. A package built around 18 year old pitching prospect Jason Groome may not be enough for the White Sox to pull the trigger.

If the Red Sox want Quintana, they have the prospects to pull a deal off. But if they refuse to move Devers again, there’s a good chance the ace will stay on the South Side.

Not So Fast…

While the Red Sox landing Quintana will be the focus following the Price news, there’s multiple other teams who could now look to make a move.

Specifically the Houston Astros and New York Yankees come to mind.

The Astros and Yankees have both been heavily involved in the Jose Quintana trade talks. Both have been considered the favorites at one point or another. Unfortunately either side was unable to match on terms. The Red Sox misfortune could help jump start talks.

The Red Sox and Indians were considered heavy favorites in the American League. Essentially they were on their own tier compared to the others. With the Sox falling down a notch, the Yankees and Astros could look to jump them in the standings.

The Yankees could look to flat out win the AL East while the Astros could look to win the AL West. Adding a pitcher of Quintana’s ability would greatly increase both team’s playoff chances. At the very least either team would be able to earn a Wild Card spot.

New York and Houston has been unwilling to meet the White Sox terms for Quintana. But with an open opportunity to steal a playoff spot from the Red Sox, there’s a chance either team increases their offer for the White Sox ace.


The Boston Red Sox now look to be in a position to trade for Jose Quintana. If Price’s injury is serious, they might need that third ace to win the American League. If they choose to go that route, Quintana should be their guy.

On the other hand, Boston may be reluctant to trade one of their top prospects in Rafael Devers. The third baseman is supposedly the future in Boston. The team must decide if they’re willing to mortgage so much of their future in a deal for Quintana.

If that becomes the case there’s a chance that a team like the Astros and Yankees swoop in and make a deal for Quintana. With a playoff spot now potentially up for grabs, there’s a chance Houston or Yankees make a big splash to win their way to the World Series.

Regardless of who he is dealt to, it’s evident that Quintana’s trade value is only becoming greater. David Price’s injury shows just how fragile pitchers can be. Consistency is the name of the game, and Quintana oozes that vital trait.

Someone is going to get an amazing pitcher in Jose Quintana, and in return the White Sox should add even more talented prospects to a rapidly improving farm system.


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