Monday, June 17, 2024

There is a Hidden Benefit To the Bears’ Treatment of Zach Miller


The Chicago Bears did the exact right thing in handling the Zach Miller situation. Some teams would’ve let the veteran tight end fade into the background. Another regrettable casualty in a physically demanding sport. It wasn’t going to be that way here. Miller had represented himself so well inside and outside the organization. He’d put his body through incredible pain trying to help Chicago win games. Somebody like that deserves a reward.

So the Bears decided not only to fully pay the medical bills required for his surgery and rehabilitation of the knee he injured last year in New Orleans. They took it a step further by signing him to a new one-year contract. By the placing him on the reserve/PUP list, he’s virtually guaranteed an additional $458,000. That may not seem like much compared to other NFL contracts, but it can be crucial for a man who may be moving on to the next phase of his life.

It’s a classy thing to do. It also could be something that has far-reaching benefits for the organization down the line. One current NFL agent Brett Tessler explained when he first caught the Miller news.

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Zach Miller move may actually strengthen Bears free agency presence

People forget that players scout teams every bit as much as teams scout players when it comes to free agency. It’s not just about the money for many of them. They also want to go to a place they feel wanted, but more importantly feel secure. They don’t want to feel like a cog in a machine. Being treated like a human being and being cared for is such a welcome feeling in what can be a cold business.

Seeing the Bears go out of their way to compensate Miller like that? It may seem like a small gesture now but can have huge repercussions in 2019 when they might be seeking to secure another high-end talent to keep bolstering their roster. Sometimes in tight negotiations, it can be the small things that decide the outcome. If the money is equal, the player may feel a team that will care for him in the event of terrible injury may be the deciding factor.

This is why doing the right thing rather than trying to pinch a few extra pennies is infinitely more beneficial to an organization.

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