Monday, June 17, 2024

The Best and Worst Chicago Bears 2017 Off-season Moves


#3:  Keeping John Fox

Okay, yes it was done in the name of stability. There is something to be said for that. Constantly firing head coaches is not the best way to go about building a successful team. Besides that John Fox is a proven commodity who has reached the mountaintop before. That being said, it was a mistake to keep him if the plan was always to draft a quarterback.

Fox is good for many things. Stability and experience being two big ones. Developing a young quarterback? Nope. Throughout his entire career Fox has been atrocious at drafting and molding young signal callers. The two greatest runs of success he had in Denver and Carolina were brought about by experienced free agents. He’s a defensive-oriented coach and is also 62-years old. The Bears should’ve just started fresh with somebody who know how to handle Trubisky.

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