Monday, June 17, 2024

The Best and Worst Chicago Bears 2017 Off-season Moves


#5:  Drafting Eddie Jackson

One thing the Bears just haven’t had for way too long is that “quarterback of the secondary.” Somebody who can direct the action on defense from the back end while making plays on the football. Similar to what Mike Brown was 10 years ago and Mark Carrier before him. A true ballhawk safety that leads both with his voice and by example.

For the first time in awhile it feels like the Bears may have gotten just that in Eddie Jackson. Despite his limited experience at safety, several sources out of Alabama insist he was the big leader on defense for the Crimson Tide. He also did his own part with seven interceptions in his two seasons as a starter. He still has a broken leg to heal from but once done he has a chance to become some critical for the Bears defense.

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