Monday, June 17, 2024

Bears Stubbornness In Key Area is Killing Mitch Trubisky


Somebody needs to ask what in the world happened to 2016 Dowell Loggains? That guy was a much better offensive coordinator than whoever took over his body this season. That Loggains was creative and aggressive. He didn’t telegraph what he was going to do from one week to the next. As a result, despite a myriad of injuries the Bears offense moved the ball consistently and put up lots of yards. With Mitch Trubisky in town now, one would think the Bears aim to do more of the same. Instead nope.

This 2017 offense is, in a word:  dull. They run the ball constantly despite defenses selling out to stop them. Even when facing boxes loaded with 8-9 defenders. Loggains didn’t allow that last season. One of the big things he did last year was a constant willingness to throw the ball on first down. The Bears threw 227 passes on first down compared to 223 runs.

This year? They’ve thrown 82 passes compared to 141 runs. Head coach John Fox would like to think this is for the better, but is it? Last season with their more balance approach the Bears averaged 5.2 yards per carry on the ground and their QBs had a 91.6 passer rating on first down. This year? They’re averaging 4.0 yards on the ground and an 80.5 passer rating.

Confounding it all is the fact that Mitch Trubisky is good on first down

What makes it all the more enraging is Trubisky has had success when allowed to throw earlier. So far this season he’s 18-of-34 for 337 yards, two touchdowns and an interception. This gives him a 94.9 quarterback rating on first down. That’s higher than any of the ratings on subsequent downs. In other words he’s having success when opponent don’t know when he’s going to throw it.

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Go figure.

So again, why? What has compelled Loggains to go this direction? In truth there are two explanations that make any sense. The first is the wide receiver situation. Last year the Bears had Alshon Jeffery and an emerging Cameron Meredith. This year they have Kendall Wright and Dontrelle Inman. That’s a considerable step down. Then there’s Fox himself. The man is a huge proponent of running the football.

It wouldn’t surprise in the least if he made it clear he wants a greater commitment to it. Loggains can’t say no. He doesn’t have that authority. Fox may think running the ball more is helping the team win. Truth be told an improved defense is the primary reason they’ve been better this year. Meanwhile the offense isn’t moving the ball nearly as well as last season. Lack of creativity is a huge reason why.

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