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Home Chicago Bears News & Rumors George McCaskey Is About To Enter A Legit Pressure Cooker

George McCaskey Is About To Enter A Legit Pressure Cooker

George McCaskey Is About To Enter A Legit Pressure Cooker

George McCaskey took over the Chicago Bears in 2011 as team chairman. Since then he’s tried to run the organization with a degree of class. To be fair, he’s been mostly successful in that regard. However, it feels like one of his personal stances could come under fire here in the next 24-48 hours. The idea of refusing to fire a head coach or GM in the middle of a season.

Back in 2014, the Bears suffered a humiliating 55-14 drubbing up in Green Bay. Fans were wanted head coach Marc Trestman and GM Phil Emery fired. Okay, a better description is they wanted their heads on pikes. McCaskey ended up not doing anything. Both men stayed in charge for the rest of the season, which felt an entirely pointless waste of time.

Now he’s under the microscope again.

In an eerie case of symmetry, the Bears once again stumbled into Lambeau Field off a bye week and were summarily dismissed by their “rivals” 41-25. Rest assured the game was never that close. Green Bay led 27-3 and 34-10 at different points. It was another ugly showing with an added flavor of the defense looking like it had completely checked out.

Aaron Rodgers wasn’t touched all night and guys had to have missed at least a dozen tackles. It was a pitiful effort. A definite sign that Matt Nagy has lost control of the team. They’ve tuned him out. Ryan Pace? He picked Mitch Trubisky. He put together this 31st-ranked offense. Oh and he hired Nagy. These guys aren’t it.

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Will McCaskey break with protocol for once and send each of them packing? He should seriously consider doing so for a few reasons.

George McCaskey is already behind other teams

First it’s about the message. Keeping two guys for five more meaningless games when it’s clear the team isn’t playing hard anymore does nothing. By firing both, it shows that ownership understands the problem and is being proactive in doing something about it. Sure it won’t save the 2020 season, but it at least tells people you’re paying attention.

Then there is the fact that four other teams are already ahead of him. Houston, Atlanta, and Detroit have all fired both their head coaches and GMs. Jacksonville also fired their GM. They’ve already begun their searches for new options. Options the Bears may have an interest in as well. The longer they wait, the higher the odds one of those teams could snatch a candidate they end up liking.

By moving now, they can start doing deep research immediately.

That extra month of time to evaluate could prove fruitful. Especially for an organization run mostly by people with no background in football like team president Ted Phillips and George McCaskey himself. Taking extra time to survey every candidate possible can’t hurt. Their previous method sure didn’t work out.

Kicking Trestman and Emery to the curb happened on December 29th of 2014. Literally just 10 days later, they hired Ryan Pace. One has to wonder what might’ve happened had they dove into that search a bit sooner. Would they have overthought the decision to pass on Chris Ballard?

Maybe six years later George has learned a few lessons.

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