A Few Questions From This Picture Of Tom Ricketts On Halloween


Chicago Cubs owner Tom Ricketts greeted trick-or-treaters on Halloween Tuesday night and damnit, he owes everyone some answers.

First the photo:

My buddy is neighbors with the Ricketts family. Screw candy, take a baseball.

All right, the questions we need answers to.

  1. You’re the owner of the Cubs, why are you handing out fun-sized candy bars?
  2. You have a dutch door, why are you handing out fun-sized candy bars?
  3. Do you have a dutch door because you don’t want a dog running out, or do you enjoy answering the door without needing to have pants on?
  4. Are the baseballs signed?
  5. Are those baseballs also juiced?
  6. Are you trying to get rid of evidence of juiced baseballs?
  7. Are you saving money on Halloween candy to sign Bryce Harper?

OK, that concludes the questioning of Tom Ricketts.

h/t: Reddit

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