Michael Kopech Looks To Change The Art Of Pitching Forever


Every off season, White Sox top ranked pitching prospect Michael Kopech trains at APEC training facility in Tyler, TX. It is the same place that the flamethrower recorded a video of him hitting 110 on the radar gun last year. Now, he was aided by an underweight ball and a crow hop, but it is still an absurd feat nonetheless.

This season, Kopech figures to be up with the White Sox as soon as early May and as late as July. When he does, he will bring his burning desire to win along with his red hot arm. His trainers, teammates, and even opposing MLB players all seem to share one opinion: Michael Kopech is going to be a top player in baseball for a very long time.

The exclusive video by NBC Sports does a great job of showing just how badly Kopech wants to win. If he isn’t already one of your favorite White Sox prospects, or players in general, it won’t be long until he is. Because the flame that drives him to be the best is just as hot as his fastball.

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